Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Install Xampp co-existing with IIS

Use the following steps:
  1. Download Xampp from the official website or directly from this link
  2. After successful installation of Xampp, go to this directory inside your Xampp folder: /Xampp/apache/conf/httpd.conf
  3. Search for Listen 80 and replace it with Listen 8080
  4. Search for ServerName localhost:80 and replace it with ServerName localhost:8080
  5. Save this file and close it
  6. Then go to this directory: /Xampp/apache/conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf
  7. Search for Listen 443 and replace it with Listen 4499
  8. Search for VirtualHost _default_:443> and replace it with VirtualHost _default_:4499>
  9. Search for ServerName localhost:443 and replace it with ServerName localhost:4499
  10. Save this file and close it
  11. Congratulations, we are done. You can run your Apache service using Xampp Control Panel.

**Copy from CodeProject

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